Monday 29 October 2012

Whales off the coast

This made me feel pretty good this evening. Haven't been so well today, very tired this afternoon and been in bed since about 5pm. Slept a little bit, but think it was more about just wanting to lie down. Had a big meal, maybe a bit too big as after eating it felt uncomfortable sitting in the chair and was a lot better lying down.

Put the telly on before and on the news they were showing some whales spotted off Sydney today. Mother and calf after giving birth way north of here on their way back to Antarctica. 

Is a regular thing the whales travelling back at this time of year as we're along their migration route. Greenpeace often goes off down south to protest at the Japanese hunting the whales, were very successful last season I remember at stopping the Japanese whaling boats from slaughtering them.

Dunno why, just made me feel good seeing that on the telly. Little channel 7 video here. 

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