Saturday 10 November 2012

Gay penguins become dads

I wonder how they fundies are going to explain this one. You know, those ones who say that being gay is unnatural. Apparently nobody told these penguins.

After nearly a year together at the Odense Zoo in Denmark, the same-sex couple attempted to become parents of their own. Keepers witnessed the pair trying to steal other couple's eggs. And during brooding season came, the penguins even tried to incubate a dead herring. 

"[The two] seriously wanted to stay with an egg," zoologist Nina Christensen told The Star. 
The Odense Zoo reports that the penguins were recipients of an unexpected blessing when a female penguin laid not one but two eggs. She ultimately ditched the second egg, which afforded the male couple to become adoptive parents. more
That's very good. Two love-birds, literally. And they saved a little one's life by adopting it, how sweet. 

Looks like the other penguins don't give a shit. No moral crusaders there. No penguin demonstrations with hateful signs about their love. No fear of them taking over the world with their gay penguin agenda. They're just left alone to do their thing. The bloody penguins are more mature about this that us silly humans.

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