Sunday 24 March 2013

4 years since the mental collapse

Noticed a comment on one of my posts from way back in 2010. I very rarely read any previous posts on here so if they get commented on it can take me a while to notice the comment (sorry about that darlings). The post was saying it was one year since my mental collapse. Well, now it's four years in a couple of weeks.

What got me was how I described my condition back then. Cried a little bit reading it. Guess that might be a reason why I don't go back and look. It was interesting though, in some sort of way. Can't believe I ever progressed from that mess. Here's some of it, you can read it all in the original post here.
I can't even describe what the emotional pain was like back then. After years of major traumatic life events it had all come to a head. And my head apparently broke! I entered a world far apart from others. Beyond even what some professionals could understand. Constantly reliving events from the past. Reliving the pain. To cry was the worst thing to happen as it didn't help, all it did was throw me into the pain and make me feel it again. There was no bottom to it. A crying episode would simply access this pain, and I may spend an hour as waves of it hit me, unable to stop it. Pain beyond tears, that came from deep within. Almost like some kind of primordial scream inside. Pain beyond words. Pain very few in this life have ever experienced. This was the pain that I experienced that day. 
All I wanted was for the pain to stop. To be free of it. There seemed no escape. Trapped in a terrible nightmare. It was beyond me to live with such a level of pain as this. I happily thought of suicide as the only escape. There seemed no other options. I am here today only because I got help by people who actually understood where I was at, and was given alternatives to suicide that helped me to separate myself from that pain. I don't think anyone really wants to kill themselves if they have a choice like that, but without those alternatives the pain leaves you with no choice. It is impossible for someone to live hurting like that for any great length of time.
Well, 4 years later and I'm still here. No wonder my doctor says I have nine lives.

Am never going to completely recover from all of that. It's part of who I am now. 

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