Tuesday 30 April 2013

Internet rage!

Bloody hell! I've just spent about two hours fucking around with this bloody contraption to try and get the fuckin internet connecting. Kept getting this stupid Windows cryptic message that the connection was broken between the access point and the modem. WTF? Turned out it wasn't my problem at this end at all, but an outage mainly in New South Wales. The diagnostics were giving me completely the wrong information. Why couldn't it have just said the internet is off from the phone line FFS?

Eventually rang the ISP and got a message saying NSW was back on, but still couldn't connect. Despite madly rebooting the modem and router, nothing, just that same bloody stupid message. Talked to the tech people at the ISP and they eventually got the thing going after a lot of effort, was on the phone to them over half an hour at least. They even tried resetting the whole connection from their end, but still nothing. 

In the end it was changing some settings on the modem here, and pressing the tiny little reset button with a pen. 

Roll on the bloody National Broadband Network man.

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