Thursday 17 April 2014

Abbott reacts to O'Farrell downfall

Of course there's the usual "what a great moral bloke O'Farrell is bla....", but then he does something very strange. Mike Carlton called it bullying. He takes issue with a female reporter who called the O'Farrell gov "corrupt" and proceeds to lecture her about supposed standards of journalism. He even asks her what proof she has. A role reversal if you will, where Abbott asks a journalist questions. I think he's rattled and loosing it a bit here.

The quote he says is laughable. Fuck, what 1984 planet is this guy living on:
The journalist, believed to be Nicola Berkovic, a reporter for the Australian, had asked: “Prime minister, do you trust this government – the state government – which is proving to be corrupt, to deliver your major infrastructure plans?”

“That is an entirely unjustified smear,” said Abbott. “Let me not mince my words, madam, an entirely unjustified smear and frankly, I think you should withdraw that and apologise because there is no evidence whatsoever for that.”

Abbott asked her to provide evidence for her claim. He later said: “Without wanting to get into an argument with the media, what you have just said is very different from the accusation, the statement, that you earlier made and we need to have decent standards in this country. We need to have decent standards from the media, if I may say so, as well as decent standards from politicians.” more 


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