Saturday 19 April 2014

Japan plans whaling again - southern oceans

Japan was told very recently that it's "research" of endangered whales, which includes killing them and taking them all back to Japan for human consumption, is bullshit. Or to put it as they do in polite circles "breached International Whaling Commission rules for scientific research". Japan was ordered to stop all whaling immediately. They have but paused.
Japanese Fisheries Agency officials previously said the whalers would not go south in 2014-15, but Mr Hayashi indicated there would be a voyage next summer, limited to whale observation. 

He confirmed a move back to the Antarctic with "hunting plans" in 2015-16, after Japan prepared a new program. 
"We will carry out extensive studies in co-operation with ministries concerned to submit a new research program by this (northern) autumn to the International Whaling Commission, reflecting the criteria laid out in the verdict." Read more
I don't get this. How can such a clear and uncompromising command given of ceasing all whaling operations, get interpreted by Japan as "well we'll have another go next year"? What part of stop killing whales don't these Japanese fuckwits not understand? 

And seriously, WTF is that "research" sign on their whaling boats when they're were actively engaged in attacking the Sea Shepherd fleet this whaling season down south? What has "research" got to do with ramming the Bob Barker? Do they want to research how to sink protest boats as well?

This issue has been going on for many decades, with both Australia and New Zealand for those decades protesting the killing of whales near our shores. In some cases whales regarded as threatened species. In some cases kills happening within Australian waters. This latest move by Japan to set up their bullshit whale fleet again is a slap in the face for both Australians and New Zealanders.

I think the key is the elephant in the room, that being "commercial" whaling. I hope that the IWC will see through this commercial venture for what it is; a cynical attempt to placate the IWC, obey it's criteria, and engage whaling again under some bullshit new "research" plan. Surely a person of even mere minion intelligence could see straight through this ploy, let alone someone in the IWC.

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