Thursday 10 April 2014

No gay marriage - Christians will kill Christians

Latest on the list of the most holy-est Christian leaders insights into why gays can't get married, comes from the Archbishop of Canterbury. Sounds like a really important religious leader type title to me. The sort of bloke who dictates to the church what is right and wrong. Well he's come up with the latest little beauty telling people like me in Sydney why I can't marry David. 

Because wacko African Christians might kill Anglican Christians there who have embraced gay sexuality as OK. These wacko African Christians may then kill the Anglican Christians in imagined defence, as apparently they're so uneducated about gayness that they actually think a gay person could make someone else gay. Seriously, I'm not making this shit up:
In a public radio discussion on LBC, the Reverend Justin Welby – the head of the Church of the England and the symbolic head of Anglicans around the globe – warned that the church’s approval of gay marriage in the UK could have dire consequences. 

“What we say here is heard around the world,” he stated. 

Welby went on to explain that “the impact of that on Christians in countries far from here, like South Sudan, like Nigeria and other places, would be absolutely catastrophic, and we have to love them as much as we love the people who are here.” 

He revealed that during a trip to South Sudan he visited the mass grave of Christians killed because of sometime that had happened in America. 

“The mass grave had 369 bodies in it and I was standing with the relatives. That burns itself into your soul, as does the suffering of gay people in this country.” 

He was warned that the Church of England’s possible acceptance of gay marriage could lead some to believe that Christians would try to make them gay which would result in anti-Christian violence. more
Well hey, what about the Anglican church in Africa stop worrying about what might happen and concentrate on what they could make happen. If they're worried about wackos killing their congregations, how about a public education campaign about gayness? Let people know that us gays aren't going to bring down civilisation or send the country to hell simply by fuckin existing. Tell them the modern truth, not the anti-gay Christian BS lies that they so love.


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