Monday 14 July 2014

Precious Pyne would lose his seat in an election now

Abbott's still in fairy land, evidently continuing to believe that the senate will roll over and be a good PUP for him. If anything, last weeks clobbering of the gov in the senate showed that Palmer had little respect for Abbott and wasn't going to be his little lap dog. This was supposed to be the easy bit of legislation to get through the senate as they'd already gotten Palmer's support on it. This debacle was nothing compared to what may happen when the more controversial bills come up; like the GP tax, Uni fees, etc etc. I dare say much of Abbott's budget hasn't got a snowballs chance in hell of passing the senate.

It's almost turning into some kind of perfect storm for the gov. Abbott's on record as the tough guy that wasn't going to make deals and would go to an election if faced with an obstructionist senate. Well, we're waiting........ *crickets*.......

Obviously they can't, with great swathes of voters across the land deserting the Lieberals in droves. It's so bad in fact, that a poll just done shows Pyne, who easily won in his electorate last Sept, would easily lose his seat now.
The strong negative reaction has fuelled a fierce voter backlash sending Coalition stocks plummeting in a more than 10 per cent swing away from the government averaged across the 23 seats. 

Education Minister Christopher Pyne appears to have taken much of the blame and would currently lose his electorate of Sturt in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs in a 15 per cent swing away from him, propelled by a disastrous approval rating of minus 14 per cent. 

He retained the seat easily at the 2013 election securing 54 per cent of the primary vote for a two-party-preferred result of 60 percent. 

Now, his primary support has dropped to 41 per cent – a 13 per cent slump or a 15 per cent drop after preferences. 

The UMR “robo-poll”, which uses computerised automatic dialling and interviewing, was conducted for the National Tertiary Education Union. Read more
So they can't go to an election which makes Abbott look like a chicken shit full of hot air. They can't keep battling the senate like this either as it just makes Abbott look like a stupid Palmer puppet. So what do they do?

I honestly can't believe the gov has let this Abbott catastrophe continue to the point it has, let alone to the point it's heading. The humiliations have already started. The senate hatchet ripping gaping holes in the budget is on. Death by a thousand humiliations. Surely, if they have any political sense left, they must replace Abbott with a new leader. 

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