Friday 15 August 2014

The Housing appt

We arrived at ACON yesterday defeated and emotional after the Centrelink experience an hour before. In the elevator the Housing bloke asked how we were. The only thing I could come out with was "We've just been told by Centrelink to go to charity for help". He looked a touch surprised. We were both sombre sitting down in the room for the meeting.

It was a long appt as we had to go through a lot of things. In the course of discussing our situation we both ended up crying at different points. It became clear to the guy that our situation was complicated with everything that was going on, and that we really needed help. He suggested pausing the Housing meeting whilst he had another person come in to see if a social worker helping us out would be of benefit.

We discussed with them some of our shit, and that maybe if we'd had a social worker representing us during the last three months it likely would have really helped. This entire 3 month episode has driven both of us to the edge. Neither of us have been anywhere near capable to deal with what's been happening. We're vulnerable. Dunno how that's going to go as they have to discuss our situation with other professionals to gauge our need.

So the Housing bloke comes back in and we finish off the long meeting with him. It's hugely involved and complicated but he knows what he's doing and we feel confident in his efforts for us. Dunno if it'll work in the end, but who knows eh? Never know your luck in the big city.......

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