Tuesday 4 November 2014

Austerity measures increase suicide rates - Senate Estimates

No shit Sherlock. But anyway.....

I started watching this with sort of mild interest as it was about what the gov is doing about mental health issues in the community. As it started going on though I began sitting up straight whilst simultaneously picking my chin up off the floor. The gov couldn't answer a single question about it, and it went on and on....

And then came the biggest shocker of all. The gov's proposed changes to Newstart (in senate limbo) would see people under thirty face 6 months with no income. The gov is asked what proposals have been sought from the Dept of Health in regards to addressing the mental health issues involved in that. And not just depression, we're talking about people suiciding because of gov policy. References made to recent research overseas linking austerity measures to increases in suicides.

Nothing. The gov has done nothing. Zero. Zilch. 

To propose a gov policy that would cause the suicide of even one person is unforgivable, but to then follow through with not an iota of concern over it providing no policy to even address such a serious issue.... 


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