Saturday 13 December 2014

Fox news dismisses CIA torture - "America is awesome"

You fuckin stupid bitch! (and yeah, statue of Liberty included along with the stupid bitch below). Sitting there and dismissing the CIA tortures, wanting to "move on" because "America is awesome". Well you stupid bitch, you and people like you are the reason why the US is hated. Because you torture people and don't want to talk about it. Because you think it's OK to torture people because you think you're better than everyone else on the planet. Because your torture is "good" torture because you're the US.

Fuckin wake up. US exceptional-ism has no place in the modern world. Your notion of it has turned the US into a bunch of self righteous stuck up fuckwits, blinded by their own delusions of grandier. You need to talk about this. People need to be taken to court over it and prosecuted.

BTW if the US is so fuckin awesome, WTF happened to the F-35? *pffft*


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