Saturday 6 December 2014

GetUp says Bon Voyage to the Abbott budget - Canberra parliament lawn :)

Oh how excellent! Watch as GetUp organised a budget ship (aka SSJoe) on the lawns of parliament house and said farewell to SSJoe's barnacle ridden ship of fools budget. Complete with smashing champagne bottle, the PUP's, the Greens, and Labor, they launched the ship sending it back to the US where it belongs! 

We should all of us online virtual consciousness people congratulate ourselves as being part of this sending off. We all deserve a pat on the back for standing up for humanity in the face of a corporate takeover of Australia. We won this year, and we'll win the next! 

BTW I think maybe SSJoe may be set adrift next. The rumours are flying and a reshuffle on the cards early in the new year. What a scalp to hold up in victory if so! The asshole smokin sloppy Joe falls on the sword of his own budget! We can only hope. The Lieberals must surely be seeing a faint bit of sense soon......


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