Tuesday 9 December 2014

Pastor "kill the gays" Anderson's first preaching at 17 - California video

Being as David's at his St John course today I've spent some time researching this maniacal pastor Steven Anderson, who the other day wanted to kill all gays to rid the world of AIDS. It's been pretty frustrating actually, there doesn't seem to be a hell of a lot out there about his history. But then I struck gold! 

Firstly some facts I didn't realise. He's the idiot pastor bloke who told his congregation to pray that Obama would die. I vaguely remember that and commented at the time that he'd be visited by some very heavy gov people, which I think he was.

He's also the preacher bloke who went all persecuted because he didn't follow instructions from the border patrol, being arrested and clobbered by the cops, and using his position as a pastor to vindicate himself from their terrible dastardly treatment. I commented about that somewhere on the blog. 

Until now I didn't realise this "kill the gays" maniac was the same bloke that did all of this. But that's not the gold I stumbled into......

May I introduce to you a young 17 year old Steven Anderson, doing his very first preaching at a California church. And boy oh boy, does he ever look gay:

The preaching (video below) I watched. Is only ten minutes. Is all about the word of god and living without those slimy evil lustly things that make you slimy and evil I guess (even though those things are all part of being human). But I think the most telling thing is just after he stands up to preach, there's the movement of the shoulders, the way he carries himself at the pulpit.... My gaydar isn't as good as many, but even I can tell he's totally gay. 


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