Tuesday 10 March 2015

Scott Morrison's understatement of the year

This is from a ninmsn bla about someone who "blew" $500,000 compensation on a house. He thought he could still get Centrelink after doing that. Morrison's comment is as follows.
"It's not a vending machine, it's not a jackpot, you don't pull the handle and let the money roll out," Mr Morrison said. more
No shit Sherlock. Anyone who has ever had anything to do with Centrelink would well and truly know that.

It's interesting though. People think that they can keep their money by spending it, or hiding it away somewhere. I know myself that's not the case. It'd be like if I'd spent up big with my redundancy thinking I'd still get Centrelink. Which wasn't the case. Centrelink made me live off it until it was all gone. Same with this guy buying a house. Now he has years before he's eligible for any Centrelink payments at all. I'd say he's going to have to sell his house he bought, to survive. 

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