Wednesday 1 July 2015

HIV+ discrimination case tomorrow - arbitration hearing

It has finally come time for the discrimination case against David's work, that happened last year, to go before the discrimination board. It will be an arbitration hearing in the city where both parties come together where an attempt is made to settle out of court. The private health company involved certainly looks like it wants to settle out of court. There is a large amount of evidence against it, and hintings have already been made on their part admitting fault here and there. As yet though nothing major.

Long time readers of this blog will know the horrendous dramatics that David (and I) went through last year over it. People often have no idea of the impact that discrimination can have on a person and their lives. In this case it had a large ripple effect, ultimately leading now to me filing for bankruptcy quite apart from everything else. The mental health consequences on David have been severe and have caused a long period of unemployment, counseling and medications.

All because it appeared too hard for a large multi-national corporate health care provider to educate it's staff about HIV, as an equal opportunity employer. Leaving their staff and management in HIV dark age ignorance and the door wide open for discrimination against an employee such as David who was HIV+, and posed no threat to anyone.

We're not counting any chooks yet, but the soundings from those representing David are very positive (pun intended). The company has very little to stand on apart from excuses. We of course have been through mental and financial hell. Before David got a months Newstart back pay from Centrelink last year, it had been five months that he was penniless without any income at all. We relied on my Disability Support Pension and my credit card in that time to keep a roof over our heads and eat. Needless to say at this stage there appears to be quite a bit of money involved when it comes time to calculate compensation.

Fingers crossed everyone please :) 

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