Thursday 20 August 2015

Christians are ready for marriage equality - Australia

The christian lobbyists in Australia against gay marriage are looking more and more like a bunch of screaming hysterical doomsdayers who don't at all represent main stream Christianity in Australia. The Australian christian Lobby for example, increasingly finds itself out on a limb. It's representations to the Abbott gov becoming part of the Abbott gov Canberra unrepresentative swill. They do not speak for all Christians.

In fact the voices from sane Christians are getting louder and louder in favour of the LGBT and the love we have. That love is love and to be admired. Ashamed of the treatment of the love in the past by the christian church over the many many years.

I mostly look at christianity as the arch enemy of gays. Times are a-changing darlings. 
Grassroots Christians can see past the hysteria and the fear campaigns and are favourably disposed to lesbian and gay people marrying their partners and not so, despite their faith, but because of it.

The Christian Church has been on this journey now for some time. It is looking at the traditional teachings, re-analysing Biblical texts and heeding the offerings of science.

Refreshingly, an increasing number are seeing science as a partner rather than an opponent. More and more church members and leaders understand that gay sexuality is a 'wired-in' orientation, significantly genetically determined, emergent around the time of puberty unbidden, stable across the lifespan and unable to be changed. And they understand that the expression of love is an essential and powerful human emotion that we all have.

Christian theology and practice increasingly understands that LGBTI people need to be included and loved and accepted as much as anyone. There is also a deepening acknowledgement of the profound hurt the Church has caused LGBTI people over the centuries. And, thankfully, the work to humbly restore relationships and reconcile has begun in some places. Read more  

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