Saturday 1 August 2015

Have lost 4 kilos from being sick

Am about quarter way through the course of antibiotics. Bloody great pills they are, and they give me the runs all the time. Lovely. Also been using the antibiotic eye drops every 4 hours. Makes my eyes sting a bit but appear to be working. 

It's only just got to the point where I'm not blowing yellow slime out my nose anymore, but still coughing up brownish type slime from my lungs. Had quite a bad coughing fit yesterday afternoon. 

My eyes have cleared up a lot, but still waking up with stuff solidified around the eyelids. Nothing like before though.

I'd already lost my appetite without the antibiotics just from being so sick and had started losing weight then. Now with the antibiotics I'm off to the throne all day with the runs, and am losing even more weight. Total so far 4 kilos (about 9pounds). I was thankfully a bit heavier than normal so there's a buffer there.   

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