Thursday 27 August 2015

SSJoe's unaffordable tax cuts

Treasurer SSjoe has gone all eleventy again. I dunno WTF happened to the Budget Emergency where even welfare people like me were supposed to pay to see a doctor, but evidently political considerations have taken to the forefront of Team Abbott's dying gov. 

With the Canning by election imminent, and the dire national polls, Abbott is now desperate to save his job. So SSJoe has come out with a big Lieberal strategy.

Give the peasants back their bracket creep! And say it's a tax cut! Which is all political spin of course. But he also wants to give the rich tax cuts proclaiming that they need to be given, least the wonderful rich people who pay fuck all tax anyway may flee the country for greener pastures.

All I could say to that is fuck off then. Take your tax dodging asshole outa here. But no, SSJoe is all concerned about these poor dear people so hard done by. Turns out though in the midst of a Budget Emergency tax cuts are looking positively like political ass saving.

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