Friday 5 February 2016

"Australian Marriage Alliance" tweets pic of lady in gay noose - plebiscite files

More love from the christians.......
This is the sort of bullshit that will be happening, funded by the gov, if taxpayer funds are issued to hate groups such as the Australian Marriage Alliance to argue their case in a plebiscite. A plebiscite that some Lieberal ministers have said they will not follow if the vote is yes to marriage equality.

What an utterly vile picture, particularly as the LGBT are way over represented in mental health and suicide statistics. No wonder there's huge concern about what a plebiscite will do to vulnerable LGBT Australians. This is where our taxpayer funds are going to be in a plebiscite; in the lunatic fringe.

How would an isolated gay person in country Australia trying to come to terms with being gay, react to a picture of someone in a gay noose?

Watch as Labor's Tim Watt's rails against a plebiscite over this picture.


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