Tuesday 11 September 2018

Back on the waiting list for another cataract surgery

After the stunning success of the laser cataract surgery in my left eye, I went into the eye clinic today a month later. All the redness has cleared up from where I fell asleep during the surgery (oops) and I can see things better without my glasses now, except close up at the PC or reading something. A modern day miracle, as I had gone completely blind in that eye because of the density of the cataract. Could only tell if it was night or day, nothing more.

I can also see better out of the left eye now than my right eye. The colours are clear and rich, whereas my right eye is quite cloudy in comparison.

So they looked into my right eye today and said that yes there was a cataract forming there but it wasn't that bad. That it was up to me if I wanted to go ahead and do anything about it. As it'd likely be about another year on the waiting list I said yes, as by then it would be getting worse. It'd have to be done sooner or later as eventually it's going to go as bad as the other eye was. I don't want to go blind on the waiting list again.

Have got the forms again to fill out and take back to the hospital to get on the waiting list again. Worth the wait I guess :)

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