Sunday 28 September 2014

US bombed vacant buildings - Syrian air strikes

I hardly bother watching the drivel on telly at night that they have the nerve to call "news", but even this picture got through into my head. As soon as I looked at it I recognised it as the building pictures that were released to the media. Shock and awe and all that:

Um. The buildings were empty. It was all a big show. You know, lookit our big blowing up things that we've got. The admiration of the war machine and a statement of military might. Other than that it accomplished absolutely nothing.
Damon revealed on air early Wednesday that ISIL terrorists who were held up in the town may have been tipped off weeks in advance to the US airstrikes on Tuesday. According to Damon: 

“15-20 days before the airstrikes, (ISIL) buildings were evacuated, and fighters then mixed in with the local population”. 

Maybe Damon let the truth slip out by accident, or maybe she was trying to do what US journalists so often are not allowed to do by challenging Washington’s prefabricated narrative. Regardless, CNN’s chief war enthusiast Wolf Blitzer did not feel the need to pursue the point. 

This surprising admission by CNN would mean that the US military may have only destroyed empty buildings in Raqqa, and that Washington’s inflated claims of dead ISIL fighters are probably exaggerated. In other words, it was all a big show, and ISIL’s capabilities were not degraded at all by Obama’s celebrated US blitzkrieg in Syria. more 

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