Sunday 21 September 2014

Palmer says no to all welfare cuts, again

Well he's been saying no all along, but nobody in the gov seems to be listening to him. Now he's come out and reiterated again that he won't vote for any of it. 

There's been strong opposition to these budget measures. The fact now that they look like getting voted down is a testament to the community's efforts at telling the senate so. These measures if passed would have changed the very Australia we live in now.
Parliament will resume on Monday. 

The bills contain some of the budget's most controversial measures, including the government's plans to make people under 30 wait six months before they can receive the dole, indexing pensions at a lower rate and raising the pension age to 70. 

They bills will also make changes to family payments, limiting Family Tax Benefit Part B to families with children under six years of age instead of 18, and reducing the income test for the primary earner from $150,000 to $100,000. 

The passage of the social services budget bills will rely on the PUP block, including Motoring Enthusiast senator Ricky Muir, given vocal opposition from Labor, the Greens and other crossbenchers to many of the measures in the package, including the wait for the dole, changes to pensions and family payments. 

Mr Palmer told Fairfax Media his party would not support anything in the bills. "We're just against everything," he said. "We will be voting negative to the lot." Read more

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