I was wondering WTF had happened to SSJoe. Last time I saw him was the "Poor people don't have cars" thing. I assumed the Lieberals had gone bananas behind the scenes to get this Neanderthal to shut the fuck up. Since then he's been quiet.
But alas for the Lieberals, some latest unemployment numbers (does he know unemployment lags behind and is pretty much the last indicator of being fucked?) SSJoe went all self absorbed about some latest minutia movement in the unemployment numbers claiming credit for them. In other words, SSJoe just couldn't fuckin help himself and went back on the telly and all.
Well he's off to a fuckin dying start. Just as he's been let loose again, he firmly inserts his foot in the Abbott gov's mouth. Honestly, you just couldn't make this shit up.
So who could forget the SSJoe no cars for poor people thing? Just out of the blocks again, Joe builds on it. Joe drives to to rarefied atmosphere of Canberra you know, something apparently he regards as some kind of hallowed experience. Here's a cartoon of Joe driving after his poor car people comment:
So imagine SSJoe on his pilgrimage to the halls of power. On the way on this pilgrimage he has the horrifying incident of actually laying eyes on a Green energy thing (wind farms, actual pics above of the actual wind farms) and is horrified. Oh how dare this ugliness forsake my drive to the halls of power! Oh the humanity!
“Renewable energy is hugely important, it’s a part of the fabric of development of a diverse energy supply right around the world. We have some beautiful landscapes in Australia, and frankly, putting up those towers is just to me, quite appalling in those places.Above are pictures of the wind farms Hockey describes.
“I drive from Sydney to Canberra …. to go to parliament, and I just look at those wind turbines around Lake George and I am just appalled …. more
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