Sunday 8 February 2015

What a day! :s

Good grief, today I've been through the bloody wringer.

So....... Yesterday David and I go to the pub. He sold an old picture of his back to his ex after he took it anyway in the settlement. He has too much to drink at said pub and goes all aggressive and insulting. I, being at said pub and also having a beer took offence to this aggressive and insulting behaviour very publicly on the pub balcony. sheesh, what else does one do in such a situation?

This morning I get up out of bed and he's going bananas at me, telling me I've hurt him terribly. I reply that I had no idea that he was hurt as all I got off him at the pub was anger. I apologised if I'd hurt him in some way but he was going off like a fuckin lunatic about it all. I get really confused and tell him I've got no idea where he's getting these weird-ed out accusations against me of wrong doing. Said to him I seriously don't know WTF you're on about as what he was raving on about was just right out there.

Then he says he "can't come back from this", and says our relationship is over. That I've hurt him too much, and he's moving out with the cats and all. I just have no idea where the fuck he's getting this crazy shit from. Say to him calmly that to do what he feels he needs to do. He goes and showers and says he's going. I say OK, it's your decision. He leaves, leaving me bewildered at home. I have no idea WTF bought him to this. The pub thing was a bit of a disagreement and no more, yet he'd inflated it to this bloody great mega thing.

After he's left I go and sit in the lounge-room drinking the statutory morning water. I didn't take any HIV pills as I think I might stop them and see the doctor about the nausea and spewing. Strangely still felt sick though, perhaps it's not the HIV pills at all?

He soon walks in the back door, apparently deciding not to do the bolt. I express again how confused I am by his behaviour. He suggests an outing to the pub for a meal and some beers. I agree, saying on the way to the pub that I just have no idea what he's on about. He calms down and all is well at the pub.

Fucks sake! *bangs head against wall* Has he turned in to some crazy type of emotional woman?

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