Thursday 12 February 2015

Alabama hate against gay marriage

A big struggle going on in Alabama over gay marriage. The Alabama GOP is saying shit like god will go bananas with wrath at the US is it allows evil gays to marry. I kid you not. This is on the Alabama GOP website FFS:
So, how is it that God’s truth can be turned on its head as the debate now rages in Alabama regarding the meaning of marriage? The answer is that we, as a society, have become our own god. We have made God in our image. But, God will not be mocked. The State of Alabama and the United States of America will reap God’s wrath if we embrace and condone things that are abhorrent to God, such as redefining marriage as anything other than a union between one man and one woman. more
Then there's nutters redefining what morality is. Apparently morality doesn't include civil rights issues? Come on ......


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