Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Seeing a new financial counselor

Dunno WTF he'd be able to do though. We're completely fucked :s

As I resigned as a client at BGF, the lady at Vinnies the other day organised me to go and see this bloke down the road in the community centre. Looks like an appt next week. The St Vinnies lady thought he was good. We shall see.

We just don't have any options left. Ever since those 4 months that David got fucked over by all and sundry last year and didn't get a cent for all that time, we've just not been able to recover from that. His Newstart payment when he finally got the thing was like a drop in the bucket and not at all survivable. I appreciate that if it wasn't for the credit card we'd have lost the rented place we're in, but now it just seems an impossibility to make headway on the thing. 

The gov has also shut the door on getting money out of super due to the stress of the debt affecting one's health too, so that option is no longer available. The severe financial hardship thing you're only allowed to do that once a year, and I've already done it.

It's not all $disaster however. David's super has successfully been rolled over from that pathetic moronic HESTA to Australian Super and his account is now active there. Hows that eh HESTA? Knocked him back on the financial hardship $10,000, now you've lost the lot; over $60,000. Suck shit HESTA. He's also got a few friends who are now switching from HESTA to Australian Super. 

We immediately went online to Australian Super and did the whole hardship application all online. David was even able to use their online tool to prove his identity online and so didn't have to stuff around with getting copies certified and snail mailed to them in Melbourne. It was just a few simple questions too, nothing like the bullshit life history HESTA form. So that application is away. I'll be very very surprised if there's any problems at all with it.

Also, the application came in the mail for David to switch from Newstarve to the Carers Payment pension, which I think is over $100 a fortnight more than Newstart. Every bit helps. It was the easiest form I've ever been involved in filling out. Most of it they'd already printed his details on there and it was just checking a box saying that they were all correct.

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