Monday, 16 February 2015

Abbott links welfare recipients to terrorists

Fuck me, you couldn't make this shit up. Apparently it's no more Mr Nice Guy for Tone, and he's coming out with guns a blazing. Quote from Tone:
"There's been the benefit of the doubt at our borders, the benefit of the doubt for residency, the benefit of the doubt for citizenship and the benefit of the doubt at Centrelink." more
Hang on, benefit of the doubt at Centrelink? WTF?

Does he have any idea whatsoever what you have to go through to get a cent out of them? The Centrelink lines, the website that hardly works, the phone system that gets overloaded, the proof you have to provide in blood? Being told to get help from charity whilst Centrelink processes shit. The rejection letters over mistakes made at Centrelink. Rejection letters over technicalities. Everything has to be just so, i's dotted, t's crossed. 

There is in no way any benefit of the doubt with Centrelink. He's fuckin talking out his ass. And how fuckin dare that prick associate people like me with terrorists. Or people like me from another country who taken on Australian citizenship for that matter.

Once again Tone has insulted an entire section of the Australian community. 

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