Friday, 13 February 2015

Backbencher revolt over F35 lemons

The backbenchers are revolting openly now against Abbott stupidity. This time the broadside has come in the form of a scathing attack over Australia's purchase of the bloated F35 lemons. He puts a logical and well articulated argument. 
But Dr Jensen argued the F-35 was an inferior aircraft to those being developed by “potential threat nations”. 

He said the F-35’s US manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, had misled countries seeking to buy the jets over their cost, capability and readiness. He cited a RAND Corporation assessment of the F-35 as a fighter that “can’t turn, can’t run, can’t climb”. 

“The simple fact is, Lockheed Martin and the military-industrial complex may be selling the US, Australia, and allies a pup, but nations that may not be friendly to us are not buying the pitch.” 

“It is time to end the madness,” Dr Jensen told Parliament. “It is time to scrap the JSF.” 

Quoting former US President Dwight Eisenhower, Dr Jensen warned that the influence of arms manufacturers on governments would lead to the “disastrous rise of misplaced power”. 

“Unfortunately, we see this unwarranted and dangerous influence of the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about, in evidence today. 

“There are forces at work that let convenience, pride, and unwise loyalty override the safety of our nation and its allies.” more
IMO Australia should pull out of the deal. They're not worth half the price. 

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