Thursday, 12 March 2015

David is panicking about my liver dramatics

I guess I don't have the average reaction to my liver having a hissy fit presently. It's like being numb after everything else over the years. I mean how many people get within 48 hours of death after acute kidney failure? Or get found on the bed at home nearly dead after their heart decides it's allergic to something? 

Even more than that though. How many fathers have had their daughter disown them? How many people have watched their partner die a long, slow, painful death? How many have watched their super build up over years only to have it slowly evaporate to survive on welfare? How many people have HIV?

The liver regenerates itself, as it has for me in the past. It just doesn't seem like that big of an issue for me. It's a different story with David though. 

So I came home from the doctors yesterday and told him the news. Bla liver pretty much. He was like WTF? Said he's never had a partner before that had such a serious health condition, and was worried I was going to drop dead tomorrow or some shit. I reassured him I've had liver problems before and it's gotten better, so stop worrying about it.

Perhaps I'm in a similar position to telling someone I have HIV. I had one ignorant person ask me a few weeks back "So how long have you got?", like I was about to cark it in a week or something. You become a bit of an educator having to explain that people aren't dropping dead like flies anymore from HIV. In the same way David may not have had a lot of experience with liver problems and is therefore thinking a similar thing? 

Anyway I had the ultrasound earlier, a totally easy procedure. Was over in about ten minutes, very efficient. Was straight in too, only had to wait a couple of minutes before being called from the waiting area. I had an abdominal ultrasound in hospital a while back so I'm getting an old hand at it now.

Glad this Abbott doctor thing got canned by the senate. There's been Medicare forms aplenty to sign. Two doctor visits, 2 bloods taken, and an ultrasound imaging thing. With Abbott's original proposal of $7, I'd have been up for $35 so far, even as a pensioner. Thanks to the senate and all those who didn't support the unfair budget; it's still all free.  

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