Tuesday 16 September 2014

WCFuckwits unholy marriage to Black Conservatives - US

 In their never ending quest to take over the world and shape it into their bizarre world of wackiness, the World Congress of fuckwit Families has now aligned itself with a group representing Black conservatives. Evidently gays are a threat to Blacks as well. The Black Conservative Summit (something like the WCFuckwits get togethers I expect, like their Melbourne effort) has received the hallowed blessing of the WCFuckwits, who have called the Black Conservative Summit a WCFuckwits "Special Event".... eeeeck, the mind boggles.

WCF Managing Director Larry Jacobs stated: "We're honored to be involved with this historic conference, particularly because of its emphasis on the natural family." Organizers explain: "Both historical and biblical precedence bears witness to the fact that the 'natural family' is the foundation of our society." 

They further note, "As a matter of fact, married families themselves greatly benefit society as a whole because, generally speaking, these families are better off financially, socially and health-wise than any other family structure." 

Jacobs said it was encouraging to see family issues addressed forthrightly by leaders of the black community. "In the United States, no demographic has suffered more from the decline of the family than African-Americans. In the early 1950s, the out-of-wedlock birth rate was the same for black and white Americans. By 2009, 70% of black children were born out-of-wedlock. This has impacted every social pathology, including poverty, crime, drug use and school-dropout rates. more 

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