Wednesday 8 April 2015

A bit nervous this morning

The last time I saw my daughter was at the end of 2013, nearly a year and a half ago, when she left in an almighty rage over her differences with David. Namely her and her friends drug taking and David's career as a nurse. He's really against drugs being a nurse as he's seen first hand the damage they do to people. More than that though, my daughter was getting rather involved in it all, with lots of people turning up here unannounced and meeting in her room. At the very least it wasn't a good look, at the worst her and her boyfriend may have been dealing. Of course she had to leave. If it was the case she was dealing and the cops raided the place, I'd have been booted out of the place by the landlord and David's nursing career may well have been over. It was just too much of a risk. She was 23 anyway and well able to support herself on her own.

Anyway, that was the third time in 7 years she'd left in a great explosion of anger. Always around Christmas too. A few months later she had an argument with me via texting and it wasn't pretty. Fuck she said the most horrible things. It was then that I told her I couldn't deal with her tantrums anymore and I didn't want to hear from her for at least 6 months. That was about April last year. Since then just one brief phonecall in December.

So later today she wants to meet for coffee. I guess I'll just have to see how it goes. 

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