Sunday, 19 April 2015

Made an appt with the financial counselor

Seeing him near the end of the month down at the local community centre. He's there two days a week.

Have decided to officially abandon the credit card when we both get paid our pension this week. Since they charged us over $500 in interest last month it's gone over the limit and stayed there. Nothing we can do now, it's impossible to pay. Just using it until Wednesday, hopefully will last until then. Talk about living on the edge. Then it's being put away in the drawer.

Dunno what the money guy will have to suggest this time around. One things for sure though, the bank can't say we haven't tried paying it. Fuck we've thrown everything at the bloody thing. We simply went too long without Centrelink money and David on Newstart instead of the Carers Payment. Have never been able to recover from that.

It's been quite a thing rearranging the impending life without the card. All the auto payments that went through it had to be stopped and details of the normal working bank accounts replacing it. Think we're just about there. I've got to make sure now there's $40 in there around the end of the month, don't want the internet getting cut off *gasp* 

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