Friday, 24 April 2015

Australian christian lobby obsessed with gays

A Buzzfeed report interviews the head of the Australian Christian Lobby, who has been so instrumental in the cruel stopping of gay marriage here. I just had a quick skim through it; the usual stuff. Denial of the message of hate and bigotry he preaches. They really love gays you know. bla.....  The sort of thing that's painful to read just from the shear boredom of hearing the same old stupid christian arguments against gay love. Like this one for example:

Yeah whatever. *yawn* Can't they get an argument that doesn't say that because they believe something then it must be right? That's his big argument about how David and I feel for each other? He believes we don't really? How about this little bit of artwork of mine then Lyle? Give us all a break and come up with some bloody facts and not fuckin Bible bashing beliefs FFS.

But I digress. 

What I found most interesting in the article however was a little graphic showing the subjects of their news releases and how many were about different subjects, thus:

Good grief. WTF is their bloody problem? Is what we do in the privacy of our own bedroom really that much more important than big issues like the poor, disadvantaged and homeless? Or women's rights? Or problem gambling? 

Apparently so. Yep, forget about all the poverty, women bashing, families going under becuase of gambling. It's the gays! Gotta stop the gays! 

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