Monday, 27 April 2015

Leader should have faith to be trusted - christian priest

This is just typical of the US-centric nature of Fox news. This priest goes on Fox as a religious commentator (I assume when he's not passing around the collection plate raising funds for the churches next child rape case) and, almost stumbling through his words, announces that for a leader to be trusted they need to have "faith". 

That's arguable in itself. I mean, what about faith in the Flying Spaghetti Monster for example? Or some kind of satanic faith? Or any faith really, but that's beside the point. He's talking about atheists and how they can't be trusted as they don't have faith.

Well mate, take a look outside the insulated world of Fox news. I have only one thing to say to blow the entire argument out of the water. Tony fuckin Abbott. He has faith doesn't he. A good Catholic. How many Australians trust him then? He's a lying slithering two faced prick who you wouldn't trust with the bloody milk money.


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