Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The end times are near and it's Obama's fault! - far out wacko

If you're not from the US you'll probably find this bla extremely insulting. Basically she says that the US has been "special" but is now "no different from the rest of the world" *gasp*, because of gay marriage and abortion. Which evidently is all Obama's fault. In which case Obama is to blame for bringing on the end times :s

I detect that old doctrine of US exceptional-ism rearing it's ugly head here. According to her the US was better than all other countries because god was obeyed. Now god is lifting that protection because of, well you know what. ... Gays have the power to make the US the same as all other countries. How lovely.

Dunno WTF she'd think of Australia then. We started as convicts. Early Sydney people were blind drunk everywhere. We haven't done so bad though :)


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