Monday 17 January 2011

Sickness Benefit

I have decided to apply for it. Know very little about it, only found out about it the other week. Think it's sort of like a sickness payment from the gov when you've run out of sick pay from work. If successful I have no idea of the amount of $ involved, and it will be the first time I've got anything from the gov since getting the Carers Allowance for my late wife.

Have a busy day today. Got to see my GP re the discharge summary from the hosp. Also need prescriptions from him as they only gave me a few days worth. Also got to get my earing put back in, dunno why the fuck they took it out in ICU, but you need reverse pliers to get it back in, like the nipple ring. Have to go to a special piercing place near my doctors for that. Seeing my psychologist for an hour at 5pm after that at the HIV clinic, he's has been very worried about me. Word got around to him this time of my misfortune. I also discovered $65 worth of Medicare refunds re seeing the doctor before hospital that I can cash in, so will be off to there shortly. 

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