Tuesday 12 August 2014

Lost 5 kilos last few weeks

Got on the scales and got a shock. I've lost 5 kilos in a month. David's lost weight too, although not quite as much. Fuck no wonder I've not been feeling too good lately.

It would be interesting to see what my CD4 count is as well, although I'm not due for a test for a month yet.

Well this is the thing isn't it. Stress is very bad for your health, particularly with HIV as the stress goes straight to the immune system. So yes, all that stress from the last weeks has taken it's toll.

This morning I'm feeling very nervous. I still have bad memories of the last time I was seeing the $guru, isn't pleasant all this money disaster stuff. Although I again remind myself there's two of us this time, and again that the circumstances were out of both of our control. 

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