Wednesday 20 August 2014

Vinnies budget view - says it all

St Vincents was one of the charities so kindly suggested I try by Centrelink the other day.

I was noticing this morning that I was feeling deeply angry about our current dilemmas. The way the system doesn't trust you one iota, the assumption that you're guilty and you have to spend half your life proving to bureaucrats you're innocence.  That every possible avenue must be investigated and proven in your favour before they'll give you a fuckin cent. To be part of a group being demonised by a gov for it's own political gain; our unfortunate circumstances being politicised.

We don't deserve this. Both David and I have worked all our lives, paid taxes all the way. This is beyond politics. This is about having a system in place that helps you out when you're out of luck, not one that kicks you and makes you worse. It's about the simple human act of one person helping another. I never want Australians to lose that morality. It's clear the Australian gov has.

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