Friday 6 February 2015

Quality of life problem - HIV meds

Have avoided the doctors for some time now. You just feel like a break from the constant visits sometimes. But when I do see him I'm going to have to have a serious talk to him about my HIV meds.

Unfortunately I don't seem to be one of those many people who just take their HIV pills and sail through life without a care. I can spend a whole day feeling dreadfully nauseous on the verge of throwing up. Today has been on of those days so far. Have spent most of it in bed as I've just felt so fuckin horrible.

As far as the HIV goes the pills are bloody marvelous. Have been undetectable for zonks. It's the nausea that is driving me to the end of my tether with them. Presently I'm just about at the point of stopping the pills altogether and having a break from them. I know you're not supposed to do that, but I'd be doing it through my doctor. And it's all very well for the HIV strategists to announce from on high that all HIV+ people need to go on meds to eradicate the disease by not passing it on, but they're not in my body dealing with this shit every day.

So I don't appear to be having a hell of a lot of luck with HIV medication so far :s  There was the small matter of acute kidney failure a while back from an allergic reaction to Travada and the pain tablets Naprosin. After that they tried Keleetra which also had the unfortunate effect of nearly stopping my heart, causing near death and damage throughout my body from lack of oxygen. Had a two year break after that whilst my body recuperated, and now I'm on these two pills currently. 

Thought the nausea was just a bit of inconvenience at first and that I'd be able to deal with it over time. But it hasn't improved and appears lately to be getting much worse, even though I've been on them for ages.  

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