For about a week now I've been having terrible internet browser problems. Somewhere along the way, even getting through Norton security anti-virus, the PC was infected with this most despicable adware called "DNS unlocker". It went about hijacking the browser with adds that would freeze it up and stop it from working in any sort of reasonable way. New tabs would open taking forever to load even the stupid add. Adds would pop up and freeze the PC so much they wouldn't even load. It would highlight random words in text like they were genuine links but would lead to more add pages. Ugh it was a total nightmare.
I tried the Chrome browser but that was the same. The Windows 10 Internet Explorer the same. Nothing would get rid of these asshole adds. I followed online instructions to no avail, uninstalling the DNS program from the programs list, removing add on's from Firefox, resetting Firefox to the default settings, even trying a clean Firefox install (removing Firefox completely and installing fresh). A Norton full system scan picked up nothing. Rebooting like a maniac. Nothing worked. It seemed like I was doomed to this malware nightmare. Until today :) I fixed it! Probably the most interuptive and annoying adware I've ever experienced. What it appears to do is affect the DNS settings where the browser connects to the internet. So I thought perhaps trying another browser might work. It did. That browser being "Comodo Icedragon".
Which is a better version of Firefox somehow, in that it stops DNS attacks by using a network of secure servers. The pic is during installation, I chose the middle option to have Comodo Icedragon use the "Comodo secure DNS servers".
Brilliant! Problem solved at last! No adds, no freezing, nothing.
The browser looked similar to Firefox when installed, but after rebooting it looks exactly the same. Everything familiar. I've got my Firefox back :)
As incredibly unbelievable that cabbage head Peter Dutton, supposed immigration minister, didn't read a nationally released email about checking people's visas on the streets of Melbourne that was sent to him for approval (claiming it was routine and therefore he doesn't bother reading such things) it gets even worse. Now it comes to light the email was sent twice. He or anyone in his office didn't read it twice. Oh come on Dutton..... He's incredibly lazy and incompetent, lying his ass off, or both. I'd say both.
The “very, very badly worded” Australian Border Force press release that appeared to threaten random visa checks on the streets of Melbourne was twice sent to the office of the immigration minister, Peter Dutton Guardian Australia has been told.
It was also allegedly cleared at a high level in the border force’s Canberra headquarters.
After the release sparked a snap protest on Friday and forced the Victorian police operation to be abandoned, the border force commissioner, Roman Quaedvlieg, said it had been “cleared at a low level in the organisation”.
But a spokesman for Dutton confirmed on Sunday it had been sent to his office on Wednesday as an attachment to a briefing note about the weekend operation. “It was not opened or read because it looked like a routine operation,” the spokesman said.
Sources later told Guardian Australia a shorter briefing note, again with the press release attached, was sent to Dutton’s office again on Thursday morning. more
Reformers Unanimous exists to help the addicted experience a life of victory. This victory is obtained and retained not through an experience of ongoing effort, but through a once in a lifetime decision to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and a subsequent dedication to developing a dynamic love relationship with Him.
The CPSU has written a strongly worded statement directed at the Abbott gov. In response the the Border Force fiasco, and the community anger and danger that members of the force were subjected to as a result of the politicising of their roll.
"While this initiative may not have come directly from the Minister, the culture that led to these events does come from the Border Force legislation and from the Government.
"Staff expect their Minister and the Government to ensure that Border Force can do their often challenging work in a professional manner and in a way that the community understands and accepts.
"Immigration and Customs staff moved into the new Border Force organisation on 1 July. Any changes to their work as a result of this new arrangement needs to accord with our community's legitimate expectations.
"The events yesterday highlight how important it is for Government to build community support and trust, not undermine it by politicising public services.
"The fiasco yesterday caused serious safety concerns for both staff and people in the community. This included a young female Border Force officer and two colleagues who were surrounded and subjected to extreme verbal abuse at Flinders Street station before having to be removed to a police post. more
Peter Dutton's office received an advanced copy of the press release saying Australian Border Force officers would be cracking down on visa fraud but no-one read it, the Immigration Minister says.
The operation in Melbourne was called off on Friday after public outcry over the suggestion Border Force officers would be on the streets of Melbourne "speaking with any individual we cross paths with".
Mr Dutton said his office received the press release but it was neither reviewed nor cleared because the planned operation was routine. more.
Tone's band of delinquent Keystone Cops was going to roam around the city of Melbourne asking people for their citizenship papers, or whatever. Thing is, Tone's still hasn't shown us his. Is he a dual citizen of England and Australia, thereby disqualifying himself from being in parliament? Or did he renounce his British citizenship to enter parliament here? It's a simple question, and all that's needed is a simple showing of said papers. Zzee papers Tone's, vere are zee papers? Nothing has turned up in England or Australia. Vell Tone's? The relevant petition has been updated. It currently has over 31,000 signature for Abbott to show us his papers.
It's a very simple question we ask of Abbott. In his language "If you come here by boat, without renouncing foreign citizenship, you can't be seated in Parliament".. which is precisely why he's ignoring us.
We're still hammering MP's and the media to make sure this issue chases Abbott right up to election day, and come election time, we have volunteers in Abbott's Warringah electorate ready to lodge a dispute right after voting closes.
Stay tuned for more updates, please share, to keep up the momentum, and thanks again for your support. more
A beautiful video looking at what's at stake with Australia's Great Dividing Range, all the way from Sydney to the Galilee Basin in Queensland (where Abbott wants to build the biggest coal mine in the Southern Hemisphere). Already 70% of the Range has been degraded by logging, coal mining and land clearing.
An absolutely fiery speech by the CFMEU national secretary against the China free trade agreement. Labor has been making noises in Canberra that it won't support it in it's present form.
What a fuckin con job. Evidently most of the women on the site were fake. Only about 1,400 women ever checked their messages, even once.
About two-thirds of the men, or 20.2 million of them, had checked the messages in their accounts at least once. But only 1,492 women had ever checked their messages. It was a serious anomaly. more
The statement said officers would be positioned "at various locations around the CBD speaking with any individual we cross paths with … if you commit visa fraud you should know it's only a matter of time before you're caught out". The quotes were attributed to Don Smith, Border Force regional commander for Victoria and Tasmania. The statement was widely interpreted to mean the Border Force would be stopping people for random visa checks. The agency later clarified it would check the visas of people "referred to us" by police and other agencies involved in the operation. more
Even if it wasn't a random visa check, WTF are authorities doing checking various people on the streets of Melbourne for a visa? Who the hell carries their passport around everywhere anyway? Mine's expired. Would that be a problem for them then? Do I have to start carrying my citizenship certificate everywhere? Oh it's insanely ridiculous, Needless to say there was community outrage aplenty. Being stopped for a visa check in the street is very Nazi Germany to say the least. A flash protest happened with the help of social media. The crowd stopped traffic. The whole operation was called off. Now everyone is asking Abbott a very big WTF? Tony Windsor has I think the most cutting critique, pretty much chewing up the Abbott gov and spitting it out.
Former independent MP Tony Windsor has hit out at a bungled government operation that would have seen people stopped for passport checks on the streets of Melbourne, telling ABC radio he had no doubt that some in the Abbott government "hopes that something goes wrong domestically".
Speaking on ABC radio national current affairs program AM, Mr Windsor said the Border Force operation was no mistake, but a "deliberate agenda to create fear in the community".
Mr Windsor said: "I've got no doubt that some of these people in Abbott's government hope that something goes wrong domestically. That they can taunt a Muslim into doing something so that they can say that we're the only ones that can protect you, the Labor party are too weak to protect you, vote for us," he said, adding, "I think that's an extraordinary agenda to go to an election on." more
An organisation that allows sensitive press releases to go out authorised by low level staff is poorly run. I'd suggest they are all lying.
*Update July 2015: The new legacy tobacco document library has gone online. Here you can search over 14 million documents from the secret ...
About me
After 30 years of very physical full time work in the printing industry our print dept was outsourced and we all lost our jobs. As I'd gotten HIV beforehand and was having trouble attending and doing work I discussed with my HIV doctor whether I should apply for the Australian Disability Support Pension. He agreed,and I became a DSP pensioner under the new Gillard rules of adherence that now sees 75% of DSP applicants rejected.
Have been diagnosed with PTSD, severe depression, chronic kidney failure, and of course HIV. I'd become suicidal in 2009 after 3 extreme life events in a row; My best friend killed herself in the US (I don't make friends easily BTW), my teenage/young adult daughter had me charged by the police with a minor problem, and I was diagnosed with HIV. All in three weeks.
Some say god won't give you more than you can bear, my reply is "Well what happened to me?" If not for the HIV support here in Australia and me being able to have access to it I'd likely be dead by now. Unbearable pain often causes suicide, no matter physical or mental.
Today I've not worked since being made redundant. I remain with episodes of depression and panic attacks, sometimes severe. I may be fine and happy to leave the house, at times I'm paralised in bed, secure and safe and not willing to face the world.