Thursday 27 August 2015

Abbott admits Royal Commission aimed at the Labor party

Talk about putting your foot in your mouth, but that's nothing new for Abbott. Here, posted on Abbott's own website, is an admission by him that the Royal Commission in to union corruption is political. Aimed at the Labor party. Repulsive and disgusting.
The import thing is that the Royal Commission will continue. We have seen an abundance of evidence of rorts, rackets and rip-offs inside the union movement. We have seen an abundance of evidence of union officials ripping off workers to help themselves, ripping off workers to push their own personal barrows inside the Labor Party. We’ve seen a number of arrests and pending prosecutions arising out of evidence to the Royal Commission. This is an absolutely vital Royal Commission. Even someone of the stature of Martin Ferguson says this is an important part of cleaning up the union movement, an important part of cleaning up the Labor Party. So it must and will go on regardless of any decision that Dyson Heydon AC QC makes in the next day or so. more
My highlighting. 

IMO the commission should be shut down forthwith. 

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