Thursday 20 August 2015

Subpoena presented again - psycho nephew court case

Haven't been very well this morning. Strangely enough I was feeling pretty down about the up coming court case, me the central witness to my psycho fuckwit nephew who bashed David at new years. Just stayed in bed for a while not wanting to engage the world, Natasha the cat coming back in after David feed her and plonking down on the bed with me.

Was lying there peacefully and then David came in saying the police were at the door with the subpoena for the court next month. Very official I thought. Last time they emailed to me and I sent a confirmation email back. So I get up and put the dressing gown on (not the best look) and go to the door apologising for my attire.

Two very pleasant cops at the door, me standing outside in my dressing gown, as they go through the procedures of presenting me with it. I'm like, yeah I know I know bla, and they were off. The court date is about a month away now.

Actually it was a bit funny before I got there. Zac the cat has a habbit of bounding full tilt to the door and jumping up on a chair we have there for him to look out through the screen. Apparently he was very interested in the police. So he clobbers into the back door banging it, and one of the cops laughed and told David Zac "scared the shit out of me". Ha ha. Good cat to have around for the police at the door. I laughed saying lucky he didn't get tazered or something :)

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