Saturday, 16 May 2015

Employers called "scammers" - SSJoe over PPL

Good grief. He's digging himself in deeper and deeper now. The whole things falling to bits. Cutting people off from "double dipping" the Paid Parental Leave entitlement from the gov has seen some employers say they might just scrap their PPL schemes as well, or perhaps "restructure" their PPL so as to have their women still qualify for the gov funded PPL as well. SSJoe has labelled employers who would do such a thing as scammers ripping off taxpayers. 

Fuckin hell, not content enough with simply insulting half the population of Australia, now he's widening the net to include these "scammer" employers. Honestly, you wouldn't read about this

And it's not looking very hopeful at even getting through the senate yet either. 
This week's budget included plans to save about $1 billion over four years by stopping new parents claiming paid leave from both their employer and the Federal Government. 

Business groups warned some employers might scrap their own schemes in response to the change or restructure payments to allow their employees to continue claiming leave from the Commonwealth. 

Mr Hockey said such a move would be regrettable. 

"It's something we will have a look at, but a good employer will offer fair-dinkum paid parental leave to their employees, like the ABC does, like the Government does, like many businesses do," he said. 

"If they change the scheme to try and scam the Government and scam taxpayers ... that reflects on them as much as anything else. more
Does he not realise that many employers run a tight ship in very competitive industries? Such employers would rely heavily on the gov portion of the PPL as it currently stands. Are these employers, already on a knife edge profit, supposed to take up SSDJoe's slack? No wonder some of them are talking about scrapping their whole schemes altogether.

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