Saturday, 16 May 2015

The budget is a flop - AMWU

The Australian manufacturing Workers Union has called the Abbott 2015 budget a flop. It does nothing for the future, nothing for jobs (soon to be the highest unemployment in 13 years) and is all about SSJoe trying to save his fat ass. Literally.

“Our unemployment rate already sits at record highs of 6.2 per cent with the Government forecasting an increase up to 6.5 per cent nationally over the next 2. It is a total failure”, said AMWU National Secretary Paul Bastian.

“And we know that the figures are worse in many local areas – like Geelong, the Hunter, parts of South Australia and Kwinana. 

“Australia is facing the threat of slipping into long-term structural unemployment.” 

“This is a Budget is bankrupt of vision for the future for this country, there’s nothing about sustainable job creation and there’s further cuts to important social services,” Mr Bastian said. 

In addition, the Fair Work Ombudsman will lose 25 staff, and a tiny $3.7 million has been allocated to tighten the 457 visa program over the next 4 years. 

The Government has continued to ignore the strategic spending it could have made to help stimulate jobs growth more  

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