Sunday, 17 May 2015

Abbott spending as high as Labor during the GFC

The gov just doesn't want to admit they're hopeless economic managers. They are spending now at the same rate as Labor was when it had to save the economy from the Global Financial Crisis. Remember all that spending and stimulus that the Lieberals shouted from the rooftops as unaffordable? It included giving wage earners $900 back in their tax on top of whatever else they got. BTW it all worked and kept Australia away from recession when the rest of the west was doomed. Much to the annoyance of the Lieberals who called it reckless spending or something.

Well now the Lieberals are spending as much as Labor did during the GFC, only without the GFC. Apparently without a "budget emergency" either. 
LEIGH SALES: But Treasurer, on this point about the size of Government, today the Budget repair  Government spending a percentage of GDP, is 25.9 percent. That is the same as previous Labor Government spending at the height of the global financial crisis. 

TREASURER: Not true. They got to 26 percent…. 

LEIGH SALES: You’re at 25.9! more  

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