Good grief. Here we go. I'm not getting good vibes at all here.
The new $bloke from Wesley Mission who is representing me to the Commonwealth Bank rang me yesterday. The authority for him to act on my behalf form, that I signed last week I think, has been rejected by the bank as my signature has evidently evolved over the decades and the one they have on file from 1985 appears rather different from the one now. So they're saying they don't recognise my signature and my identity has to be properly proven.
I have no idea why they'd suspect that I was not me. Why would someone pretend to be me to get my debt sorted out? Why would somebody want such a problem? They're just being entirely pedantic and making things unnecessarily difficult. A hurdle when there doesn't need to be one. In fact I'd be happy if someone else took on all this debt and I was no longer in it.
So I have to go to my local branch tomorrow to prove my identity, sort of like going with all my Centrelink identity stuff and showing it to the Commonwealth Bank instead. Passport, Citizenship cert, bla and bla.... I also have to stop by the community centre on the way as I have to take the form with me that they rejected, as the poor person behind the help counter probably wouldn't even know WTF I was talking about otherwise.
And there you have it. Stage one; proving my identity that I am actually the person with all this debt.
Went to get the authority form from the community centre and took it to the bank along with all my usual ID. Pulled out the form at the bank and instantly saw the problem. The $bloke had spelt my name wrong at the top. I saw no point at bothering at the bank and went back to the Community Centre to see the $bloke.
Have had this problem all my life. Should have double checked. My last name is spelt very unusually, but sounds very much like other much more common names. All he's done was put one extra letter at the end, but with the size of the bank there's probably someone there with that name. No wonder the signature didn't match :s
So he's resending it with the corrections. We'll see what happens now.....
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