Monday, 25 May 2015

Budget 2015: unfairly clobbers poor again - NATSEM analysis

The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling has again analysed the Lieberal budget as it did last year. And funnily enough, it comes up with exactly the same conclusions as the 2014 budget; that it unfairly clobbers the poor and most vulnerable, getting them to carry the can whilst the well off are left untouched. This is on top of the recent ACCOSS analysis that ripped the 2015 budget a new asshole the other day.

The odd polls since the budget that have shown an improvement for the gov since the budget, indicate the power of the gov's deception in making a turd look not nearly as bad as last year's turd. My opinion is that this budget is every bit as bad, just with soft and fluffy rhetoric is all. The senate has it's work cut out for it again this year.
Families with children on the lowest incomes will bear the brunt of the federal government's budget cuts, while high income families will actually see their disposable incomes increase slightly over the next four years. 

New analysis from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling has shown how the government's budget consolidation - for the second year in a row - is being made at the expense of the less well-off. 

NATSEM ​divides the community into five segments, or quintiles, each with a little over 2.5 million families. It has found the government's families package - including its popular childcare payments - will benefit middle- to high-income families more than low-income families. 

It has also found the poorest 20 per cent of households with children will lose up to 7.1 per cent of their total disposable income over the next four years, after all budget measures are taken into account. 

By contrast, households with children in the top 20 per cent will see their disposable incomes increase slightly, by 0.2 per cent, by the end of 2018/19. more 

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