Friday, 15 May 2015

Daughter apoligised

We're in sort of regular email contact now, which is a bit strange after such a long time separated. She sent me one the other day apologising for her behaviour during that terrible few months the last time she left in a fit of rage. I nearly fell off the chair.

Said she was a different person now than she was, that she wasn't getting back in contact with me to get anything but just to be in contact. That her and her partner are talking about marriage and kids. You know, the whole normal sort of thing that people do when their not in a mild drug psychosis.

Sounds like she's given up the pills and turned over a new leaf. Probably was the best thing for her to leave here and survive on her own. Amazing what a big dose of reality can do for a person. You have to be responsible, up to you to pay the rent and hold down a job and all. Put food on the table and pay the bills. Was what she needed I think.

I replied thanking her for the email and that I'd discussed the whole situation with the psychologist as it unfolded. That his take was that there was nothing I could have done differently. That the only true reality is the present; the past can't be changed, the human mind cannot predict the future, and here and now is the only reality to live in.

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