The Steve Irwin arrives at Noosa to a very warm welcome by the locals |
The Sea Shepherd's Steve Irwin is continuing up Australia's east coast to raise support and awareness of the dangers the Adani coal mine would put on the Great Barrier Reef. Last stop was on the Gold Coast, and not far north is the Sunshine Coast, and Noosa. This is still not yet at the Great Barrier Reef.
Apart from the campaign itself, this is very interesting to me because I've been to all these places years ago when I was single. I used to just get in the car and drive from Sydney, taking a couple of weeks off work. Didn't pack much, just swimmers, sunscreen, fly spray (I used to sleep in the car and nothing's worse than a mosquito trapped in there with you), beach towels, you get the picture.
One time I made it all the way to Mission Beach not far south of Cairns. Put 5,000 kilometres on the car in three weeks. A great effort. Stopped there as the weather looked bad further north at the time. But I've flown up to Cairns with my late wife and ex. Stayed in Port Douglas the first time and Palm Beach the second time. Excellent to go in winter as you escape the Sydney cold. Did the whole Reef thing from Cairns. Flown over it in a 4 seater plane, gone out on it on a boat where they have a pontoon that you can look at it underwater without even getting wet.
It's disgusting that this gov wants to build the biggest coal mine in the southern hemisphere and ship the coal out right in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef. More gauling because it goes against all the science of global warming and the warmer waters that are and will be such a terrible threat to the Reef's very existence. And for what? Squeezing a few last dollars out of a dying industry.

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