Thursday 9 August 2018

Sea Shepherd Operation Reef Defence - Yeppoon and Mackay, inside the Reef (video)

The Sea Shepherd's Steve Irwin has continued up the coast of eastern Australia in defence of The Great Barrier Reef, and the threat the the Adani coal mine will pose to the Reef if allowed to go ahead. It would be the biggest coal mine in the southern hemisphere in an age when coal is a dying resource, but embraced by our present extreme right gov that loves coal.

The Steve Irwin has now entered inside the Great Barrier Reef, in between the Australian Queensland east coast and the Reef. Thus the waters are calm with no waves to speak of, the Pacific Ocean's waves dying on the Reef.

If the Adani mine goes ahead, it will be the last nails in the coffin of the Great Barrier Reef; the biggest living organism on earth. If the coal ships going through after dredging it don't kill it, the global warming from the burning of untold coal coming from the mine surely will. 

The Great Barrier Reef has already suffered catastrophic damage in the last 2 years from warmer waters bleaching over half of all the coral in it. Given time these corals will recover, but not if global warming continues.

And Adani coal for what? A few hundred mining jobs in Queensland. In an industry so on it's last legs it continues to get $billions from the Australian gov to keep going. Against the vast majority of Australian's wishes. To be shipped offshore to India which is already moving away from coal. By Adani; the foreign company that wants to ruin our environment and the Great Barrier Reef for the sake of profits of coal in the last dying days of coal. Take our resources and hide the profits in multi-national tax dodging offshore funds.

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